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Epic Food Battle - A Homage to Food

The inspiration for the character 'Bomoh'

The main story of the game goes like an evil magician named, “The Bomoh”, has gained possession of all the ingredients in the world. His aim is to destroy the world by depriving all humans from having delicious foods by sealing the ingredients in a magic dungeon. 6 Malaysians with extreme “horniness” for food bravely explore the dungeon to save the world. During their journey, they will find unique ingredients in the dungeon and use them to cook the best Malaysian food to defeat the wicked but fabulous Bomoh with the power of food.


Basically players start in the food dungeon and have to move around to explore tile to free the ingredients. To gather an ingredient token, the player will need to complete certain challenge cards to release the ingredient from their cell, and if the player fails, the player will receive penalties. After collection of the correct combination of ingredient and recipe, the player can cook a dish on the kitchen tile and use the dish’s wonderful taste and aroma to deal damage to the Bomoh. To win the game, the players must cook enough dishes to defeat the Bomoh and return the imprisoned food to the world. You can look for more in depth details in the Game Manual.













The inspiration for the game started after I question myself what's the thing that keeps me going after a long day. Well, my answer was food and I decide to make a food themed board game as a homage to food and especially Malaysian Food. I want to build an interactive gateway between the player and the culture of Malaysia with the board game. Player get to know more about Malaysia from the cultural references on most of the game component and usually in a humorous tone. 

Drives to push me forward after a long day

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