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Speed Force Fight - Loop Application


'Speed Force Fight' was developed for my last Game Genre Study assignment which lasted for 2 months. Since it was my first time developing a beat em up game, I build the game using Stencyl using similar method as programming a shoot em up game. In order to create the illusion of that, I just need to replace a visible projectile with a short range invisible projectile. With my previous experience, I decided to split the production schedule into two phases with specific goal - true to the genre and sustainable fun gameplay loop to make sure I will always have a complete game ready for playtesting.

The game was sort of a passion project for me as Flash are my favourite superhero character hence making a game that are based on one of his most exciting ability was a stirring experience for me. The concept of 'moving so fast everything around just feel slow' was a reoccurring theme among a lot of media that involves speedster character, the challenge for me was to make sure that the player experience are empowering and epic. After securing the basic beat em up element to satisfy player, I switch my focus to designing a tenable reward and upgrade system to keep player interested to continue progressing through the game until the end. During this project, I am able to develop the following skills:


- Define and implemented the base of a beat em up game

- Adapt and improve an existing concept into a original mechanic

- Pace and balance level difficulty

- Design a reward and upgrade system for a RPG style game  


The superhero genre is undoubtedly one of the biggest trend on the silver screen and pop culture right now, I am excited to be able to bring unique and untested elements from that genre to test it out on the game medium. I personally feel that the game will be the best channel to allow player to fully embody a superhero persona and learn the responsibility that come with the amazing abilities.

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